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BCAM International Call 2011

par ferneymath - publié le">


BCAM International Call 2011

Dear colleague,


BCAM ( is a Research Center in Applied Mathematics, whose mission is to develop high quality interdisciplinary research. With an international team of researchers, the scientific program is structured in several research areas covering various fields of Applied Mathematics. On the other hand, BCAM is a Host Institution of the Research Project NUMERIWAVES "New Analytical and Numerical Methods in Wave Propagation", coordinated by Prof. E. Zuazua and funded by the ERC - European Research Council.


BCAM, the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics has opened an International Call for Researchers, including Senior and Associate Researchers, Postdoctoral Fellows and PhD Students:


·     IC2011-BCAM-GC for Senior Researchers, Postdoctoral Fellows and PhD Research Contracts. All topics of research will be considered, with special emphasis on those developed by the already existing BCAM teams  ( And for Senior Researchers special emphasis on

§  Financial Mathematics,

§  Data Mining and

§  Statistical Analysis


·   IC2011-NUMERIWAVES for Postdoctoral Fellows and PhD Research Contracts. Candidates with a background on

§  Partial Differential Equations (PDE) analysis,

§  Numerical analysis and

§  Computer simulations


Applications must be submitted on-line at: before November 30th 2010


More information can be found at:


We kindly ask you to distribute this call among colleagues and potential candidates. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information


Thank you in advance for your co-operation.


BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
Bizkaia Technology Park, Building 500
E-48160 Derio - Spain
Tel. +34 946 567 842


( matematika mugaz bestalde )

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